
General guide for outpath:Liberation of new islands, bones, star fragments, sky islands, etc.

Greetings Changing the language How to play, new islands don't appear I can't find a specific item. How to obtain eggs and milk Building coffee? How to build How to add creatures How to make bones Lack of mushrooms The island is floating i…

General guide to achievments for outpath

Hi, everyone. This article describes how to unlock outpath achievements. Note that this does not include achievements that are unlocked in the story or those that are too simple. My native language is Japanese, so there may be some transla…

outpath 全実績解除のススメ

こんにちは,nnutaです.本記事では,outpathの全実績解除の方法について述べます.なお,ストーリー上自動でとれるもの,簡単なものはのぞいています. To whom is this addressed? Build 〇〇シリーズ 〇〇 builder, Architect Egg Everyone disliked that…

outpath 初心者向けガイド 新たな島の解放・骨・星の破片・空島など

挨拶 言語の変更 攻略の流れ・新しい島が出てこない 特定アイテムが見当たらない 卵・ミルクの入手方法 ビルのコーヒー?? 建築の方法 生き物の増やし方 骨の増やし方 キノコ系が足りない 島が空に浮いていて,行けない 星の破片の入手方法(と終盤の流れ) …